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best guitar amp combinations

Best guitar amp combinations: Evolve your tone

Sometimes you just can’t get everything you need from one amp. If you’re at the point where you’d like to experiment with a dual amp setup, there are a lot of reasons why you might want to go this route.

For starters, no matter what (except for maybe digital or amp modelers), no single amp can do everything sonically.  If you’d like to try out some of your dual amp ideas but want to do a test run first, consider experimenting with amp sims before investing in the real thing. It’s not quite the same, but will give you an idea of where to focus your budget.

This is by no means an exhaustive list, but these suggestions give you an understanding of the idea at play here. Looking for a match made in heaven? Here are some of the best guitar amp combinations and why they work so well together.

Best overdrive/clean guitar amp combination: Vox AC30 and Fender Twin

Vox AC30 and Fender Twin angled front shot
Best overdrive/clean guitar amp combination
Vox AC30 and Fender Twin
A great blend of overdrive and clean with amps that take pedals very well.
Great tonal mix, especially for rock, blues, and country
A lot of alternative amp options can be substituted
Doesn’t do heavy sounds without pedals
Very loud
Best gear of 2025 icon

You want loud? Try matching these beasts with each other. This matchup is all over Blink 182’s self-titled record as their sound evolved, after sole guitarist Tom DeLonge had been using a Marshall and Mesa Boogie combination for years.

Generally the AC30 would be set to that fab British crunch, with the Fender being a great clean amp or very slightly dirty. It’s a cool combination and both amps take pedals famously well.

And if you don’t have the space for amps of this size or volume concerns are an issue, a smaller Vox like the AC15 and a Fender Deluxe is a great alternative.

Best guitar amp combination for crunch: Marshall JCM800 and MESA/Boogie Dual Rectifier

Marshall and Mesa/Boogie amps angled front shot
Best guitar amp combination for crunch
Marshall jcm800 and Mesa/Boogie dual rectifier
The best of British and American amp tones.
Great complement of overdrive sounds
Tone profiles of each amp work well together
Not best choice if you play low-gain genres
Buy marshall jcm800 From

Buy mesa/boogie dual rectifier from

Talk about dirt! This has been a favorite combination of hard rock and metal guitarists for decades. It’s a great marriage, with the strong midrange of the Marshall filling in the gap of the solid lows and high end of the MESA/Boogie.

This is especially true if the midrange is scooped, which MESA amps like the Dual Rectifier do really well.

Best guitar amp combination for versatility: Orange Rockerverb and Fender Bassman

Orange and Fender Tweed amp angled front shot
Best guitar amp combination for versatility
Orange rockerverb and Fender bassman
A versatile combination for sounds direct from the amp or with pedals.
Great midrange and low end
Both amps take pedals well
Gets dirty, but has good cleans
Unique sound combination won’t appeal to everyone

The sound of Orange amps is not unlike those of other popular British manufacturers like Marshall. They’re known to be fairly mid-heavy, with plenty of available gain and volume that sound great for everything from blues to metal.

But they lack a certain chime in the high-mids and high end, and this is where a Fender (or Fender-style) amp can be a great complement. They support a pedal chain well, but Fender tends to always win in that matchup.

Best guitar amp combination for British tone: Marshall and Vox AC

marshall-silver-jubilee-and-vox-ac30 angled front shot
Best guitar amp combination for British tone
Vox AC15 and marshall silver jubilee
Perfect British tone pair
Good mix of clean and dirty

British growl marries with British charm in this fab amp configuration. They both offer a strong midrange, but they do it in very different ways.

One of the cool aspects of this matchup is that you could use the Marshall as the dirty amp and the Vox as a clean amp platform. Or, you could use them both for overdrive!

As for the Marshall amp selection, you have some wiggle room. A JMP is a great choice. This amp was the precursor to the JCM800, which is also a great option. And you can never go wrong with a Plexi. The Jubilee comes in a mini amp head version too that’s not as loud and less expensive, but has all the tone.

However you choose to dial them in you’ll get some fantastic across-the-pond color.

Best guitar amp combination for heavy sounds: Peavey 6505 and Mesa/Boogie Dual Rectifier

peavey-6505-and-mesa-boogie dual rectifier angled front shot
Best guitar amp combination for heavy sounds
Peavey 6505 and Mesa/Boogie Dual Rectifier
For high gain sounds this is a match made in heaven.
Great for metal and hard rock
Both amps have great EQ sections
FX loops give you signal chain flexibility
Too high gain for some genres
Both amps are loud
Buy peavey 6505 From

Buy mesa/boogie dual rectifier from

Talk about heavy! This matchup is probably best for players in the metal and heavy rock realms, but there is no denying the amazing distortion sounds you’ll be able to get when you match a Peavey with a MESA.

They both take pedals fairly well too, so you can add some interesting routing ideas to what you have on the floor or in the rack.

Best hybrid guitar amp combination: Analog and digital

Orange and Fender amplifiers and Fractal and Axe-FX digital modeling amps
Best hybrid guitar amp combination
Analog and Digital
The warmth of analog with the versatility of digital.
Works with tube or solid-state amps
Adds complexity when using in a live setting

This one is more conceptual than about certain products. There can be some really cool benefits to combining an analog amp (tube or solid-state) and something digital like a modeling amp.

Going this route, the amp matchup needs to be a deliberate decision. It might take some trial and error, and it is a more complicated setup than most, but the overall tonal picture it paints can be worth the trouble.

Best guitar amp combination for recording: Analog and modeling

Vox and Fender amps with Yamaha and Kemper modeling amps
Best guitar amp combination for recording
Analog and modeling
A great setup for recording that blends the analog and digital worlds.

There is a certain irony in the dichotomy here. We all know not all amp modelers are created equal, so this setup would probably be best with something high-end like a Fractal, Axe-FX, or Helix.

Benefits of guitar amp combinations

Stereo effects

BOSS and MXR stereo effects pedals top shot with controls

One of the biggest reasons players use guitar amp combinations is for capitalizing on the stereo effects on their pedalboards. When used with a single amp, stereo guitar effects aren’t used to their full potential.

But when you introduce the second amp with these types of effects the sound instantly becomes much more than the sum of the parts. Things are more spacious and lush, with added depth and dimension.

This is especially perfect if you’re the only guitar player in the band.

Splitting signal

Morley AB/Y footswitch top shot with footswitches and LEDs

When using two amps you’re going to need to decide on how you want to split the signal. There are a few methods you can use. The first would be with an A/B or A/B/Y pedal.

To be clear, the difference is the Y routing lets you send it to both amps, while a simple A/B pedal means you can only use one or the other. A secondary option would be to use a stereo pedal as the last thing in the chain before the signal goes out to the amps.

This isn’t a true stereo send though. Keep in mind that if you want a true stereo signal you’ll need to maintain the stereo send throughout your entire effects rig.

To achieve this you could put an A/B/Y pedal first in line and keep it set to Y, but you’ll also need to make sure that every pedal in the chain is stereo – which might not be plausible depending on your setup.


Wet/dry amplifier setup diagram

Many guitar players opt for a “wet/dry” rig. This means that they have one amp they keep dry (no effects at all), while the other amp gets all of the effects signals.

This adds unique depth and dimension to the sound. There is even a wet/dry/wet configuration, used famously by Eddie Van Halen, among others. This means there are three amps.

On a stage this means that the wet amps are located on stage left and right with the dry amp located center stage. Some good examples of this setup would be something like a Marshall as the dry amp and a model that takes pedals really well like a Roland Jazz Chorus or Fender Twin.


What makes a great guitar amp combination?

It depends on your playing style, genre, and tone preferences. Some players like pairing a tube amp with specific pedals. Others opt for solid-state reliability or digital modeling flexibility.

Don’t forget, it’s not just about the amps. Matching the right cabinet and effects chain significantly shapes your sound too.

Can I use multiple amps at once?

Absolutely. Running multiple amps in stereo or blending different amp types creates a huge, rich sound. A/B/Y switchers allow you to send your signal to two amps and use them simultaneously or switch back and forth between them.

Can I mix different amp and cabinet brands?

Yes! A lot of players mix brands to fine-tune their sound. For example, pairing a Marshall head with an Orange cabinet produces a punchy, aggressive tone. But always check impedance compatibility before mixing amps and cabs.

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