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Pearl MMP Masters Snare Drum

Today I am lucky enough to be able to bring you all a review on a snare drum I am particularly fond of, It has become a work horse of sorts and...

The Vault Edge DW/Sabian Snare Drum

Limited to 50 snares produced, John Good along with Sabian cymbals have worked together to produce an instrument like no other! Firstly, they started with the basic design of the...

Midas Mixtender

Howdy ho everyone. As you may know (or not, it’s all good) I’m a large fan of Midas products. Midas could make soap, and I would buy it. But one...

DW Concrete Snare Drum

Firstly I would like to say a big hello to you all and introduce myself. Although I play Rock-Metal-Fusion Drums, I am known as Jazz-Man. This is my first review...


Friends, family, engineers in dark dirty venues that barely see the light of day, I have hope for you. Some of know (or may not know) of the brand  QSC. These...

Paul Reed Smith CE22

Paul Reed Smith started making guitars in 1985 and has since created thousands of incredible guitars. My favorite however is the CE22 ( Classic Edition, Bolt on neck). This is...