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Moog Subharmonicon

The Moog Subharmonicon delivers hours of synth fun in a condensed package

As we all are collectively approaching day 90 of sheltering-in-place, new products from our favorite companies are always appreciated. Now, it seems that Moog, one of the synth’s founding fathers, has something new to pass the time. The Subharmonicon is a semi-modular, polyrhythmic analog synthesizer that definitely seems a force to be reckoned with, and something that will surely deliver some sunlight to our solitude.


The Subharmonicon from Moog definitely brings a new twist to the classic rhythmic synthesizer we are familiar with. Inspired greatly by the ‘Rhythmicon,’ of the 1930s, Subharmonicon allows subharmonics and mathematics to intertwine organically. This allows more sonic pathways to naturally present themselves to the musician, and can create a more evolving, fluid tempo.

At the front end of Subharmonicon are two analog VCOs, as well as four subharmonic oscillators. This engine of six sources create a rich painting of sound, that drives the rest of the synth around. The subharmonic tones are mathematically derived from one of the initial VCOs, which bring integrity to the resulting chord shapes. Quantization controls are also available to let the user achieve the perfect interval every time with multiple tuning system selections.

Where Moog‘s Subharmonicon brings the animation of sound into play is through its 4-step sequencers. The first set provides the initial, primary sequence, under which the user can create a newly evolving polyrhythm using the second sequencer. The end result is a never-ending painting of music that seemingly will provide endless fun. To see this in action, Moog has also released a short film, “Music As Living Matter,” showcasing the Subharmonicon in action at the hand of producer Suzanne Ciani, with visuals made by artist Scott Kiernan.

Finally, this new polyrhythmic synth includes a 32 point patchbay to the right-hand side for more in depth internal use, or for use with other Eurorack style models. Moog’s Subharmonicon is available and shipping worldwide now, through your local Moog dealer. To learn more about the Subharmonicon, or other Moog products before you buy though, be sure to head over to its website to gather all the information you need.

Jimmy Byrne

Jimmy Byrne is a music producer, audio engineer, and musician living in Chicago, IL. Under his own company ByrneOut Productions, he has worked with a variety of artists & bands from throughout the US on the overall production and studio recording of their music as well as other audio-related projects. Looking ahead, Jimmy hopes to continue growing his career and company, build professional relationships with musicians and other industry professionals, and somehow leave his mark in this ever-changing industry.

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