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Arturia V Collelction 8

Arturia V Collection 8 adds four new vintage synths to its package

Just in time to close out the rough year we’ve all had, Arturia made sure to squeeze some last minute joy in. The company recently announced its updated V Collection synth package for 2020. Of course, this likely won’t come as a surprise to most, as Arturia unveiled the previous version in mid-2019. Either way though, Arturia V Collection 8 has now arrived, bringing updates to many of its existing instruments, and introducing 4 more to the lineup. Here, we’ll comb through everything you need to know about V Collection 8.

Arturia V Collection 8 Features

As expected, V Collection 8 will include all 24 instruments it offered in its previous version. Including the “CZ V” vintage Casio emulator, “Synthi V,” and “Mellotron V” to name just a few. Over the year, Arturia fans have raved about the accuracy and tone the company was able to achieve. With that said, it’s great to see there won’t be any changes to what many have already come to love out of the V Collection.

In addition to the existing package, Arturia is once again introducing four new instruments this year. First off is “OB-Xa V,” a recreation of the long-adored OB-X synthesizer from Oberheim. Although not brand new, it’s certainly new enough for Arturia to include in V Collection 8. Its brand new introductions come in the form of “Jun 6 V,” a take on Roland‘s Juno-106, as well as “Emulator II V,” offering a modernized version of E-MU’s sampler/synth from the 80s. Finally, “Vocoder-V” is the last new inclusion Arturia brings to the table this year. Which is a full 16-channel vocal synthesizer, also with an onboard sampler and synth of its own.

Finally, Arturia’s V Collection 8 brings new updates to its “Jup-8 V,” “Stage-73 V,” and “Analog Lab V.” Ensuring its users won’t go a day without the best quality. These bring the instruments everything from simple bug fixes, to new sound engines, GUI’s and revamped browsers. Arturia V Collection 8 is available right now for purchase from Arturia’s website. Currently, Arturia has V Collection 8 advertised on its website at a €499 introductory price, and €599 once that runs out. We don’t have any updates on what that means here in the US as of yet, but will update you as soon as we get more info.

Jimmy Byrne

Jimmy Byrne is a music producer, audio engineer, and musician living in Chicago, IL. Under his own company ByrneOut Productions, he has worked with a variety of artists & bands from throughout the US on the overall production and studio recording of their music as well as other audio-related projects. Looking ahead, Jimmy hopes to continue growing his career and company, build professional relationships with musicians and other industry professionals, and somehow leave his mark in this ever-changing industry.

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