Home > Companies > Audified > WIN AmpLion Pro, a quality and versatile amp modeler!

WIN AmpLion Pro, a quality and versatile amp modeler!

In partnership with Audiffex, All Things Gear is proud to offer YOU a copy of AmpLion 1.1 for yourself!

To enter, simply log into Facebook or use your email in the window below, then follow the outlined instructions.

The winner of the giveaway will be contacted by email within a week of the end of the competition.

We recently reviewed AmpLion Pro, and found it to be one of the best sounding amp modeling systems we’d used. You can read the review for yourself here.

Christian de Looper

Christian de Looper was born in Canberra Australia, and since then has lived in Europe and now lives in sunny California. When he's not tinkering with the latest music gear, Christian is devouring news on new consumer technology.

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