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Softube Model 84

Softube revitalizes the Juno-106 sound with Model 84

Ever since Roland halted production of its Juno-106 synthesizer in 1988, its sound has remained incredibly sought-after among musicians. Upon its release, the Juno-106 immediately captivated users with its expansive features and compact design. Now, 33 years after we all said goodbye to the original Juno-106, Softube has announced Model 84 — its very own virtual synth clone of Roland’s legendary unit. Complete with a nearly identical sound, with some more modernized patches added, Model 84 will surely attract many interested buyers. Here is the full rundown of Softube’s Model 84 software synth clone.

Softube Model 84 Software Features

Seemingly, Softube made a strong effort to retain the likeness and sound of Roland’s Juno-106 as much as possible. In that regard, every element of Model 84’s interface design bears a remarkable resemblance to the original hardware synth we all know. In developing the software, Softube actually obtained an original Roland Juno-106 from 1984, and pieced it apart bit by bit, breaking down the exact internal circuitry. After applying tweaks where needed while migrating it to software, the team apparently managed to recreate each parameter very finely. As a result, Model 84’s LFO, LPF, Envelope, pitch/mod wheels, and EQ sections all have sounds very closely reminiscent to that of its inspirator. The only stand-out difference, of course, being a Model 84 logo at the top left instead of one from Roland.

Aside from Model 84’s astute Juno recreation, perhaps one of the most exciting elements of this release comes down to its price tag. Where one can expect to otherwise shell out hundreds of dollars on great synth clones, Softube brings its latest release to the masses with affordability in mind. Model 84 is available now to pick up for an introductory price of just $99. After which, the virtual instrument will hike back up to its standard price, $159. However, while it is more expensive, it’s still an incredibly fair price for the immense work the company put in. For more information on Model 84, or to pick it up for your own studio environment, head to Plugin Boutique to buy it, or to Softube’s website to find out more information.

Jimmy Byrne

Jimmy Byrne is a music producer, audio engineer, and musician living in Chicago, IL. Under his own company ByrneOut Productions, he has worked with a variety of artists & bands from throughout the US on the overall production and studio recording of their music as well as other audio-related projects. Looking ahead, Jimmy hopes to continue growing his career and company, build professional relationships with musicians and other industry professionals, and somehow leave his mark in this ever-changing industry.

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