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Martin Retro D-18E

Martin is arguably the most respected name when it comes to acoustic guitars. Ever since they started making guitars in 1833, they have been dedicated to quality. Fast foreword to...

NAMM 2013: Aphex Microphone X

Well, here’s an interesting one…a microphone that has analog signal processors BUILT INTO IT. This immediately caught my attention. The Aphex Microphone X is a USB cardioid condensor microphone with a...

Audio and the iPad

Well, I thought I’d take a break from NAMM stuff and do a post I’ve been meaning to do for a while now. With the release of Behringers new iPad...

NAMM 2013: Peavey Vypyr VIP

Another huge release from NAMM is Peaveys new Vypyr VIP series of amps. But here’s the catch. These amps can handle electric guitar, acoustic guitar AND bass. All in one...

NAMM 2013: Moog Sub Phatty

The name Moog is legendary. The classic sound of an analog Moog synth is unparalleled. And they’re at it again! Moog’s latest release is the Moog Sub Phatty, which includes...

NAMM 2013: Behringer iX16

Yes, it’s true, I am not a Behringer fan. Most of their gear seems a little flimsy and frankly not very appealing, with a few exceptions. However their newest release did...