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Fender Vintage Themed Mexican Stratocaster

Fender has been making their vintage themed guitars for a while now, but they’ve all been made in America. Because of that they also tend to cost a fair amount, which some of us simply can’t handle. But now, Fender has unveiled the Classic Series ’60’s Stratocaster.

It’s about time.

fendermexicanvintagestratMexican made Fender guitars have long been hailed as pretty close to the real thing, at a fraction of the price. It seems that the only thing about Mexican made Fenders is that it’s easier to find a dud. But, if you try it out in the store first, you might find a guitar which is just as good as its American counterpart.

But what makes these new guitars vintage, I hear you ask? Well, without going into too much detail, Fender used a different lacquer on their guitars back in the day. It’s a lacquer that’s based on nitrocellulose, and it looks stunning.

The feel of the guitars tends to be a little more “sticky” due to the different lacquer, and they often feel a lot better a few years into owning them. The radius board is 184mm and the guitar has vintage style 2.1mm frets for that classic feel.

Overall, this guitar might just be the best value vintage themed guitar that Fender has ever released. Not only is it a guitar of quality, but at $1,260, a LOT cheaper than the American models, you almost can’t go wrong!

Christian de Looper

Christian de Looper was born in Canberra Australia, and since then has lived in Europe and now lives in sunny California. When he's not tinkering with the latest music gear, Christian is devouring news on new consumer technology.

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