Home > News > The Dreadbox Hypnosis is here to fill the ’80s time-based effects void in your life
Dreadbox Hypnosis

The Dreadbox Hypnosis is here to fill the ’80s time-based effects void in your life

We’re only a few days into 2019, and it’s already turning into a year full of ’80s throwbacks. Just look at the most recent choose-your-own-adventure style installment of Black Mirror, ‘Bandersnatch,’ which follows a budding young 8-bit game developer in the 80’s trying to finish the code for his expansive game. Or, the latest season of Stranger Things, which is debuting its third season later this year. TV isn’t the only place for 80s throwbacks though — we also expect to see it in music, and Dreadbox is here to help with that, thanks to the new Dreadbox Hypnosis.

Rumor has it, if you look at the Dreabox Hypnosis long enough, it also doubles as a time machine. All joking aside, this new piece of equipment has an incredible design right off the bat, and as soon as you plug your keyboard into it, it seems to sound incredible as well.


The three effects categories on the device are ‘Chorus-Flanger,’ ‘Delay,’ and ‘Spring Reverb.’ These seem to also be adjustable with LFO’s, a mix knob and feedback. In the upper left-hand corner of the device — no, that’s not a flux capacitor — that is an actual spring reverb which has its own little window to the outside world complete with super retro lights for the ultimate far-out effect. To the left of the device is a section to further adjust your output and effects, and an area to program settings with two knobs: one with letters A-G, one with numbers 1-7. Which means — you guessed it — a total of 49 empty preset banks you can store your settings in.

Price & Availability

With all of this out on the table, we can expect anyone would have a great experience playing around with the new Dreadbox Hypnosis, and we fully expect the company to have one or two on display at NAMM 2019 later this month. Currently on its official website, Dreadbox states that the Hypnosis will be available in summer of 2019, and has an expected price set in euros at €499. Here in the US, that converts directly to about $568.57, but judging from the way most international releases convert, we expect that they will likely lower the price for us to $499. Either way, this seems like a great piece of gear for anyone to add to their collection.

Jimmy Byrne

Jimmy Byrne is a music producer, audio engineer, and musician living in Chicago, IL. Under his own company ByrneOut Productions, he has worked with a variety of artists & bands from throughout the US on the overall production and studio recording of their music as well as other audio-related projects. Looking ahead, Jimmy hopes to continue growing his career and company, build professional relationships with musicians and other industry professionals, and somehow leave his mark in this ever-changing industry.

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